give today,
make an impact

Together, we can do more.

Congregation worshiping

Give Online

“Your generosity will surprise him with goodness, and God will look after you.”

Giving By Cash or Check?

If you would like to give by cash or check, you can mail your offering to our Lifepoint offices. Please label the envelope with Attn: Giving, and put the fund you are giving towards in the memo line on your check or a note with your cash offering. Thank you for your generosity! Mailing address.

Attn: Giving
Lifepoint Church
STE E. 354

Frequently Asked Questions

Which giving option should I choose?

Tithes & Offerings is the fund where you give your 10% which goes into Lifepoint Church operating budget.

What is the benefit of setting up recurring giving for my tithe?

Your generosity builds the local church, so if you are ever out of town or forget to give, you can be confident that you are still giving.

Will I receive a giving statement?

Yes, we will provide you a giving statement at the end of the year. Our ability to do so requires us to have the most up to date contact information.

If have more questions about giving, where would I ask?

Email us at:


Financial giving through the church is done in two ways: tithes and offerings. The Bible teaches that we worship the Lord by bringing Him our tithe, which is 10% of our income. When we give in addition to our tithe, it’s called an offering.

God tells us in His Word that He loves a cheerful giver, which is why we always want to create opportunities to give as He leads us and with a cheerful heart, through no obligation.

If you’re ready to give, you can do it online, by mail, or through a text message.

Online Giving

We are truly grateful for your donation and hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you. You can use our secure platform to quickly and easily give online.

Text to Give

Giving is as easy as sending a text! To try it out, text "give" to (910) 776-5556.


Lifepoint Church partners with OVERFLOW for Stock gifts. Overflow is a digital solution for donating non-cash assets, enabling givers to donate in the most tax-efficient way.
Give Stocks